Sunday, January 10, 2010

Deep Freeze Festival

LAst Saturday Scott, Kellan, our friends the Maynes' and I went to the Deep Freeze Festival at our local community hall. It was great weather and there was lots of fun stuff to do. They had 2 Indian teepees set up with fires inside and drummers. The teepee we went into had a lady drummer and she sang us some songs and let us play some instruments, a drum and a couple of homemade rattles. There was a warming station with some delicious hot chocolate, a horse & wagon ride, curling, an ice rink, a luge for the kids to go down and also a craft tent. While Scott and I were helping Kellan skate a photographer from the journal took our picture. Here's a link I believe we're the last photo. Kellan loved skating, actually I think he more enjoyed having Scott and I pull him around but hey he had fun!