Friday, November 13, 2009

10 Years

I’m not sure what to say about the past 10 years with Scott. Well really I’ve known him for 12 years but Nov 10, 2009 was our 10th wedding anniversary. We’ve had some good times and we’ve had some bad times and sometimes it was really bad and sometimes it was really good. I don’t want to make this into a blog post about how great my marriage is because if I was brutally honest it’s not great all the time and I really hate reading about only the good things in people’s lives so I’m assuming that a) someone is reading this and b) they don’t want to read only good things either and c) that if I were to try and do a post about the last 10 years it would be horrifically long and therefore d) no one would read it.

Here’s some wedding pics, just to remind myself and for your enjoyment.