Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kellan's First Professional Hair Cut

While we were up in Grande Prairie a couple weeks ago, my sister Holly made us appointments to get out hair cut. Scott and I both needed a cut and we decided that we'd get Kellan's cut too. Kellan has had numerous hair cuts from Scott and I but we decided that we should get his professionally done instead of us just trying to get him to sit still long enough in the bathtub. We should've known it wouldn't go well. Luckily the hair dresser was very quick so he did manage to get quite a bit trimmed off. She wasn't quite fast enough or maybe she just was afraid that she'd cut his ears but he still needs a trim over his ears.


catharooni said...

how traumatic!!! poor kid. but more importantly, poor parents!!

kelseyp said...

looks like kellan loved that haircut about as much as sophie loved getting her ears checked at the doctors yesterday. haha. i have started cutting my hair in front of sophie so she thinks its fun and i can cut hers after. now i am just waiting for her to find a pair of scissors and cut her own.